
Kindergarten Fairytale Day

Fairytales are a genre of children's literature that feature magical and mystical creatures from faraway lands. Students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 7 have been celebrating the art of fairytale storytelling through different literacy events and activities. 

Peter Pan was a favourite fairytale character for lots of Kindy students

Kindergarten Fairytale Day

Fairytale Day is a big event on the Kindergarten calendar! Pirates, princesses, witches, wizards and more made an appearance in this magical day filled with colour, wonder and fun! 

Dressed in their creative and colourful costumes, Kindergarten proudly paraded for their parents and other infant students before inviting their special guests into the classroom for an afternoon of fun fairytale activities and a fancy feast (fit for a King or Queen!).

"The annual event is a wonderful way for students to bring their favourite storybook characters to life and spend some time exploring the magic of books and reading for pleasure," said Maree Gross, Kindergarten Teacher.  

"Before the big day, we spend time creating our own storybooks and activities to encourage the development of literacy skills through fairy-tales. Students can't wait to share their own stories with their parents and peers," said Maree. "It's really a fantastic day, where children can immerse themselves in books and let their imagination run free. It certainly is one of the many highlights of Kindergarten which students, teachers and parents thoroughly enjoy."

Fairytale picture books

Year 1 students starred in a version of their very own fairytale written, illustrated and published by Year 7 English students.

After studying the literacy conventions of picture books and fairytales, Year 7 met with Year 1 to plan, draft and produce their book. Each infant student became the main character and their delight at being the centre of their special story was evident when the books were handed over a gift.

“Both Year 1 and Year 7 students love this activity,” said Connie Russo, English Teacher. “This authentic publishing experience requires Year 7 students to demonstrate an understanding of the need to write appropriately for the audience. Knowing these books were going to real people provided the incentive to produce high-quality work in writing, illustrating and publishing. We’re sure these special books will be treasured by the younger students as they grow through the school.”