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Music Auditions

At the Fresno Pacific Music Department, we have 12 ensemble options to choose from with thousands of dollars in scholarship money awarded annually.

Who Should Audition?

  • Incoming music majors
  • All students seeking a music scholarship (both music majors and non-music majors)
  • All students seeking placement in an ensemble (both music majors and non-music majors)

Request an audition

* 天美传媒 FAFSA code: 001253

Instrumental Audition

Your audition should consist of two pieces representing two separate musical periods (e.g. Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th/21st Century) or two styles (e.g. one slower and more melodic, and one faster and more technical). You will be asked to play some major scales (two octaves when applicable).

Vocal Audition

Vocalists should prepare a song of their choice and will be asked to complete a brief assessment of their vocal range, tonal memory, and sight-singing.

Keyboard Audition

Your audition should consist of two pieces of a contrasting nature, maximum of seven minutes of music. 

Private music lessons are strongly encouraged in the preparation for college, for auditioning and as a general foundation in any music study.